Save together with the collective order!

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What our customers say
CALCUSO Group Order for Schools
With the CALCUSO group order, we provide you with a stress-free and cost-effective solution for purchasing school supplies in a standardized way. The school selects the products needed for the class directly on our website. This list can be accessed by each school individually using a school code, and the school supplies can be ordered with just one click. We collect the orders until the deadline specified by the teacher and ship them individually packaged and sorted by class to the school, where they can be easily distributed by the teacher. The CALCUSO group order for schools helps save packaging material, reduce CO2 emissions during transport, and ensures a convenient, stress-free, and standardized purchase of school supplies. Ideal for the start of the school year!
Scientific and Graphing Calculators from the Experts
Scientific calculators have become an essential part of math lessons. Graphing calculators make it possible to teach advanced mathematics while also learning the basic principles of programming. As a partner of CASIO and Texas Instruments, you will find the perfect school calculator for your upcoming needs at CALCUSO. With our many years of experience in this field, we can also offer training and workshops, in addition to providing you with in-depth consultations on the various calculators. We always strive to offer you the best price on the market because we believe that education should not be a matter of money.